Winter's gone,we are studying the Analytical Writing Assessment(AWA)task of the GMAT.Questions used are all from the Pool of Sample Topics available in the Official Guide.Be prepared for that some of the questions will look familiar when you actually take the test.
Now,we will be reading the question:
「Question No.88」
The following appeared in an ad for a book titled How to Write a Screenplay for a Movie:
“Writers who want to succeed should try to write film screenplays rather than books,since the average film tends to make greater profits than does even a best-selling book.It is true that some books are also made into films.However,our nation’s film producers are more likely to produce movies based on original screenplays than to produce films based on books,because in recent years the films that have sold the most tickets have usually been based on original screenplays.”
First,the comparison between a book and a screenplay makes no sense,←首先,直接指出疑点的核心。然后,具体分析我质疑的原因→because of the argument’s lack of information regarding how the royalty of a best-selling book is calculated and regarding how that of a screenplay is calculated.A writer of a screenplay may be paid a tiny portion of the profits the film generates,and the tiny portion may be less than the generous royalty a writer may be paid from the sales of a best-selling book,although the book is less profitable than the film.【常见逻辑疑点:偷换概念。】
Second,it is likely that a writer who writes books gets paid both from the publication of their books and the production of films based on their books,while a writer of screenplays only benefits from one source of income,which is the screenplays alone.Since the double-income may be greater than the single-income,writing books may be more financially beneficial.【常见逻辑疑点:多个变量问题。】
Lastly,since success includes a wide range of achievements,including financial gains,winning awards,intellectual or artistic influence,and sociocultural status,writers who want to succeed in terms of fame may not write screenplays,which may bring good economic rewards but may bring little fame.【常见逻辑疑点:范畴问题】
【常见逻辑疑点:时间问题:提示词:in recent years】
【常见逻辑疑点:地点问题:提示词:our nations’】
例如,William Harvey(1578-1657))哈维,血液循环发现人,推翻了盖伦的理论(对于这个例子,我们既可以用在质疑精神推动了科学的进步,又能用在那些“伟大的思想家,科学家往往不受他们所在的时代和社会的认可”以及“现在的很多成就都受过去的成就的影响”,因此这样一个例子就能眷顾到很多话题的支持中,这样也就提高了我们的备考效率,因为提高了我们所掌握的素材的性价比,要多掌握那些很有针对性同时还不乏灵活性的例子,我们所掌握的素材就能发挥更高的效率)
William Harvey(1578-1657),English physician,who discovered the circulation of the blood and the role of the heart in propelling it,thus refuting the theories of Galen(注:质疑精神的题目用到的有效论据)and laying the foundation for modern physiology(注:过去对现在的影响的有效论据).
Harvey‘s De Motu Cordis subjected him to severe criticism by some contemporaries(注:伟大的科学家总不受当时的社会认可,思想超前),but this was more than compensated for by the later widespread recognition of his contribution.
所示的一个哈维的例子,就短短一小段话,但是这个小段落中的三个不同的地方,其实应对了Issue里最重要的三个主题(“质疑精神”,“参考过去,参考历史,过去对现在的影响”,“伟人思想超前他们所在的时代”)的写作的例子,而这三个主题加起来辐射了我们gmat Issue话题题库中的将近49个题目,这种素材的性价比就太高了,是个很典型的gmat写作的联想的例子。GMAT作文