McMaster University
麦克马斯特大学(McMaster University),简称麦马,成立于1887年,由加拿大参议员William McMaster捐赠九十万加元成立,位于加拿大安大略省旅游城市汉密尔顿,Universitas 21、加拿大U15研究型大学联盟成员。1930年,主校区由多伦多迁址到汉密尔顿。主校区距离多伦多、尼亚加拉大瀑布及美国边境城市纽约州水牛城约一小时驾车路程。20世纪以来,麦马以其独特的创新性和求实理念而成为加拿大最著名的公立大学之一。
Institution/Organization:McMaster University
Department:The Centre for Advanced Research in Experimental and Applied Linguistics
Specialty Areas:Applied Linguistics
Duration:Three years
Start Date:July 1,2023
End date:June 30,2026
Stipend:$500CAD honorarium
The Centre for Advanced Research in Experimental and Applied Linguistics(ARiEAL)is inviting applications to serve on its Scientific Advisory Committee(SAC).There are five open positions due to begin on July 1,2023,for a three-year renewable term.
The Scientific Advisory Committee(SAC)will provide advice to the Director of ARiEAL related to the scientific and scholarly priorities and direction of the Centre.The SAC will be consulted annually or at the discretion of the Director.In addition,each committee member is expected to(physically or virtually)visit ARiEAL at least once during the three-year term.That visit will include giving a public talk based on their expertise and the interests of the ARiEAL community.Expenses will be covered by ARiEAL.Following the three-year term,each committee member will be compensated with an honorarium of$500CAD.
Applicants will have expertise in cognitive science of language and/or related disciplines,such as linguistics,psycholinguistics,etc.Applicants will also have an excellent record of:
-interdisciplinary and collaborative research,
-academic publications and presentations,
-working with research centres(where leading a research centre is not a prerequisite),and
-mentorship and training.
Candidates with an outstanding record of ethical community-engaged research,early career researchers,postdoctoral fellows,and advanced graduate students are encouraged to apply.
ARiEAL is a research centre that brings together a community of researchers ranging from undergraduate trainees to established scholars and enables researchers to excel in their problem-driven language science research in fundamental,experimental,and applied linguistics.The Centre is housed within the Faculty of Humanities at McMaster University.ARiEAL’s vision,values,mission statement,and 2023-28 strategic plan can be found at:https://arieal.humanities.mcmaster.ca/about-us/about/
For more information about the position and ARiEAL,please contact ARiEAL Research Center at ariealrc mcmaster.ca
To Apply:Applicants should submit the following to ariealrc mcmaster.ca by May 30,2023.
-A Curriculum Vitae
-A one-page letter of interest that highlights relevant experience and research interests in alignment with ARiEAL and how they envision their participation in the future of ARiEAL research center.