Glenlyon Norfolk School
学校特色:Glenlyon Norfolk School位于加拿大卑斯省,温哥华岛上的维多利亚市,是维多利亚岛和温哥华岛上唯一的一所(IB)国际文凭学校和Round Square的成员,教职工已达金牌教育标准。IB是一种探索式教学方法,幼儿园初级阶段至12年级都可主动参与学习。GNS也是一所走读学校,父母参与孩子的教育。国际学生可寄宿于学校家庭,融入加拿大文化。GNS有着独特的教学结构。幼儿园至5年级学生采用男女分班教学,从6年级起就可采用男女混班教学。GNS采用小班上课,平均每班18名学生。GNS是加拿大幼儿园至12年级唯一的一所在海边的学校,学生可充分体验海边冒险。
本校课程小学部Junior School: library, music, choir, art, computer lab, gymnasium, French, outdoor education, marine adventure本校中学部课程Middle School: library, choir, band, art, drama, computer lab, gymnasiums, French, outdoor education, marine adventure本校高中部课程Senior School: library, choir, vocal jazz, band, art, drama, computer lab, gymnasiums, French, outdoor education, marine adventure
学生分布情况Junior School (JK-5)小学部 225 位学生Middle School (Grades 6-8)中学部6~8年级 168位学生Senior School (Grades 9-12)高中部9~12年级 292 位学生Homestay Students (Grades 8-12)住寄宿家庭的学生 22位学生ESL (Grades 2-12) 读本校语言部学生 30位学生Gender Ratio 学生男女比率 男生52% 女生48%
(1)沙滩及海岸The Beach: (2)艺术中心Henderson Performing Arts Centre: 1989年开放。计算机设备Computer Labs科学馆Science Labs: 化学、物理和生物实验室。图书馆Libraries
美国名校:Harvard University
University of Boston
University of California-Los Angeles
University of California- San Diego
University fo llinois at Urbana
New York University
Ringling College of Art
Georgia Institute of Hospitality
Cornell University
英国名校:London School of Economics
Royal Holloway College, University of London
加拿大名校:University of Toronto
University of Victoria
University of Waterloo
University of British Columbia
University of Western Ontaria
Simon Frasers University
University of Albert
McGill University
University of Calgary
Carleton University
Vancouver Film School
Acadia University
瑞士名校: Glion School of Hospitality
Swiss hotel Management School
幼儿园-5年级 $21,255
6-8年级 $23,125
9-12年级 $24,465
International Students without Homestay fees and information sheet.
6-8年级 $33,125
9-12年级 $34,465
International Students/Homestay fees and information sheet.